Hello Everyone!
I’m Whit Johnson the founder of JCN, an independent IT consulting company based in Phoenix Arizona. I’m a member of the Apple Consultants Network, an Apple Certified Support Professional, and hold several other Apple Pro Certifications in applications such as Final Cut Pro and Aperture.
We started this blog to support our weekly 60 Second Mac podcasts which are available on this website, or better yet, subscribe to us on iTunes!
The idea of 60 Second Mac is to produce brief but useful how-to videos covering the Mac and other Apple products and related software. That way you can quickly learn one cool thing about your Mac or iOS device once a week. You may know a few of them, but probably won’t know all of them!
Have a cool Apple tip or trick of your own? Post it or email it in and we might make a podcast out of it!
Thanks for looking in!